Quick Wins With Code

Short articles unpacking powerful programming concepts.

React Vs Lit Hero Image

React is great...but you should try Lit.

Does anyone else out there need a quick break from React? For just a few minutes maybe?

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Essential "this" concepts in JavaScript

Execution context, implicit and explicit binding, arrow functions, and of course, this.

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A tabletop game
A line of rope

Generators and Iterators in JavaScript

What are generator functions? Should I care?

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Inheritance Vs. Composition in JavaScript

A brief comparison of two object-oriented programming techniques.

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The Millennium Falcon
A lake with buoy's with numbers on them

Event Delegation in JavaScript

A quick look at using event delegation instead of placing multiple event listeners on a page.

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Promises in JavaScript

A quick look at handling asynchronous code in JavaScript.

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A dog looking out the window
A rocket ship

Closures in JavaScript

What is a closure in JavaScript? Why do closures matter? How do you use closures?

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Object Literal Lookups in JavaScript

So have you ever thought, “Man, that’s a really ugly switch statement”… or have you ever thought the same for a giant chain of else-if statements? Or a giant nested ternary operator?

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A Cafe Menu